Benjamin Hornigold Limited 05, 06 and 07 - Panel Receives Variation Request and Applications

The Panel has received: a request from Benjamin Hornigold Limited to vary the final orders made by the Panel on 8 February 20191 and an application from Benjamin Hornigold in relation to its affairs and an application from John Bridgeman Limited in relation to the affairs of Benjamin Hornigold. 

Aurora Absolute Return Fund


  1. The Panel, Stephanie Charles, John O'Sullivan (sitting President) and Nicola Wakefield Evans, declined to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Aurora Absolute Return Fund (ABW). The application concerned (among other things) whether certain persons were associated in relation to ABW and alleged contraventions of s606 and s671B.1 The Panel was not satisfied that there was sufficient material to establish the alleged associations.