Mineral Commodities Limited


  1. The Panel, Michael Borsky QC, Richard Hunt (sitting President) and Karen Phin, declined to conduct proceedings on an application by Mineral Commodities Limited in relation to its affairs. The application concerned whether a shareholder of Mineral Commodities, who had nominated three directors for appointment at a spill meeting convened under sections 250U and 250V1, was associated with other shareholders in contravention of section 606 and the substantial holding provisions.

Benjamin Hornigold Limited 05, 06 & 07 - Declaration of Unacceptable Circumstances

The Panel has made a declaration of unacceptable circumstances (Annexure A) after consideration of: a request dated 24 July 2019 from Benjamin Hornigold Limited to vary the final orders made by the Panel on 8 February 20191 and an application dated 8 August 2019 from Benjamin Hornigold in relation to its affairs and an application dated 8 August 2019 from John Bridgeman Limited in relation to the affairs of Benjamin Hornigold.