Bullseye Mining Limited 03 – Panel Receives Application

The Panel has received an application from Hongkong Xinhe International Investment Company Limited in relation to the affairs of Bullseye Mining Limited. Bullseye is currently the subject of a recommended off‑market takeover bid by Emerald Resources NL (ASX: EMR).

Details of the application, as submitted by the applicant, are below.

A sitting Panel has not been appointed at this stage and no decision has been made whether to conduct proceedings. The Panel makes no comment on the merits of the application.

Wollongong Coal Limited 02 – Panel Receives Application

The Panel has received an application from Mr Gordon Elkington in relation to the affairs of Wollongong Coal Limited. The application concerns an independent expert’s report provided in the context of a compulsory acquisition under Chapter 6A commenced by the major shareholder of Wollongong.

Details of the application, as submitted by the applicant, are below.

A sitting Panel has not been appointed at this stage and no decision has been made whether to conduct proceedings. The Panel makes no comment on the merits of the application.

Nex Metals Explorations Ltd 04R


  1. The review Panel, Amy Alston, Alex Cartel (sitting President) and John Sheahan QC, declined to conduct proceedings on an application by Nex Metals to review the decision of the initial Panel to decline to conduct proceedings in Nex Metals Explorations Ltd 03.1
  2. In these reasons, the following definitions apply.
    has the meaning given in paragraph 10(a)
    the firm of the Alleged Agent
    Alleged Agent
    has the

Nex Metals Explorations Ltd 03


  1. The Panel, Marina Kelman, Michael Lishman, and Karen Phin (sitting President), declined to conduct proceedings on an application by Nex Metals Explorations Ltd in relation to its affairs. Nex Metals had submitted (in effect) that following the making of Metalicity’s bid, an agent of Metalicity had engaged in conduct that constituted a breach of sections 619(1) and 623.1 The Panel considered that insufficient material had been provided to support the Panel conducting proceedings.

Nex Metals Explorations Ltd


  1. The Panel, Marina Kelman, Michael Lishman and Karen Phin (sitting President) made a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Nex Metals Explorations Ltd. Nex Metals is the subject of a conditional off-market scrip bid by Metalicity Ltd. The Panel considered that the proposed Rights Issue by Nex Metals was a frustrating action in respect of Metalicity’s Bid and that Nex Metals shareholders had not been given sufficient information to enable them to consider the merits of the Rights Issue and the Bid.

Gascoyne Resources Limited


  1. The Panel, Denise McComish (sitting President), Bruce McLennan and Rory Moriarty, declined to conduct proceedings on an application by Westgold in relation to the affairs of Gascoyne. The application concerned (among other things) certain aspects of a Scheme Implementation Deed entered into between Gascoyne and Firefly in relation to their proposed merger by way of a Firefly scheme of arrangement, including a ‘fiduciary out’ to the no talk restriction on Gascoyne and the lack of a right for Gascoyne to terminate the Scheme Implementation Deed in the event

AusNet Services Limited 01


  1. The Panel, Yasmin Allen (sitting President), Michael Borsky QC and Ron Malek, made a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of AusNet Services Limited. The application concerned the exclusivity arrangements AusNet entered with one of two potential bidders who had each submitted unsolicited, confidential, indicative and non-binding proposals to acquire all the issued shares in AusNet by way of scheme of arrangement.

AusNet Services Limited 02


  1. The Panel, Yasmin Allen (sitting President), Michael Borsky QC and Ron Malek, declined to conduct proceedings on an application by Brookfield in relation to the affairs of AusNet. AusNet had received competing proposals made by Brookfield and by APA for control of AusNet. The application concerned statements made by APA in market announcements regarding the value of its proposed scrip consideration and the relative conditionality of the Brookfield and APA proposals.