Limited 01

On 27 September 2001, we declined to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in response to an application by Fast Scout Ltd dated 13 September 2001. On 27 September we accepted various undertakings from Fast Scout and Ltd and Macquarie Bank Ltd to ensure that Fast Scout's bid could be put to Bigshop shareholders. We decided that the proposed placement of Bigshop shares to Macquarie and related advisory agreements could not reasonably be said to frustrate the purpose of Fast Scout's bid.

Panel Makes Interim Orders in Relation to Application from Ronay Investments Pty Ltd and David Pethard

The Panel has today made interim orders restraining any further dealings in various shares, including those which are the subject of the disputed acceptances in the application by Ronay Investments Pty Ltd and Mr David Pethard for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances received on 26 September 2001 (the Pinnacle No.10 application).

Panel Receives Application from Ronay Investments Pty Ltd and David Pethard in Relation to Vanteck Bid for Pinnacle

The Panel advises that it has received an application by Ronay Investments Pty Ltd and Mr David Pethard in relation to acceptances received by Vanteck (VRB) Technology Corp under its takeover bid for Pinnacle VRB Limited.

Ronay alleges that CSFB, Ronay's broker, erroneously and mistakenly authorised acceptance of Vanteck's bid. Ronay states that it did not authorise CSFB to accept the bid. Ronay also complains that Vanteck has refused to consent to a reversal of the transaction which is necessary under the SCH Business Rules before the acceptances could be reversed.

Panel Receives Application from Vanteck (VRB) Technology Corp in Relation to Pinnacle VRB Ltd

The Panel advises that it has received an application by Vanteck (VRB) Technology Corp in relation to its bid for Pinnacle VRB Limited.

Vanteck has applied for declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the conduct of one of the directors of Pinnacle, Mr David Pethard. Vanteck alleges that the letters sent by Mr Pethard to shareholders of Pinnacle on 17 September 2001 concerning Vanteck's bid for Pinnacle and the upcoming general meeting of Pinnacle's shareholders scheduled for Monday, 1 October give rise to unacceptable circumstances.

Panel Receives Application in Relation to Ltd

The Panel announced today that it has received an application by Fast Scout Limited (Fast Scout) in relation to its proposed bid for Limited (Bigshop). Fast Scout has applied for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to a proposed placement of 10 million ordinary shares and 2 million options by Bigshop to Macquarie Bank Limited (Macquarie) and for an interim order restraining Bigshop from proceeding with the proposed placement until the matter is determined by the Panel.

Application in Relation to Colonial First State Property Fund

The Panel advises that it has today received an application from Mirvac Funds Limited. The application seeks a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and interim and final orders in relation to the proposal by Commonwealth Property Office Fund and Gandel Retail Trust, and their respective responsible entities, for a merger with the four Colonial First State Property funds.

The concerns raised by Mirvac relate to:

Pinnacle 8 Review Panel Closes Matter

The Panel advises that the proceedings on the review Panel's decision in relation to the application made by Reliable Power Inc on 23 May 2001 for a review of the Pinnacle 5 Panel's decision (Pinnacle 8) now appear to be finalised. The review Panel announced its initial decision on 18 June 2001 (MR No. 56/2001).

Prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Pinnacle held on Monday 20 August, the Vanteck Transaction (see below) was withdrawn, and at the EGM the Pinnacle shareholders rejected the Int-A-Grid Transaction (see below).

The Takeovers Panel Signs MOU with ASIC

The Corporations and Securities Panel announced today that it has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). The MOU is intended to continue the positive and cooperative working relationship that the Panel already has with ASIC, and to ensure that the market sees a smooth and seamless relationship between the two regulators.