Alpha Healthcare Limited

These are the reasons for our decision not to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances on the application by Alpha Healthcare Limited under section 657C of the Corporations Law dated 3 May 2001 for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and orders in relation to a takeover bid by Ramsay Centauri Pty Limited.

Acting President Appoints Sitting Panel in Liquorland Application

The Panel announced today that the acting President of the Panel, Mrs. Nerolie Withnall, has appointed a sitting Panel for the application by Liquorland (Australia) P/L in relation to its bid for Australian Liquor Group Ltd (ALQ). Liquorland has applied for an interim order restraining the payment by it of the bid consideration and for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and final orders. Liquorland has made the application initially to put the payments on hold until the Panel has determined its application for a declaration and final orders.

Panel Receives Application for Interim Order by Liquorland

The Panel has today received an application by Liquorland (Australia) P/L in relation to its bid for Australian Liquor Group Ltd (ALQ). Liquorland has applied for an interim order restraining the payment by it of the bid consideration and for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and final orders. Liquorland has made the application initially to put the payments on hold until the Panel has determined its application for a declaration and final orders.

Application in Relation to Online Advantage

The Panel advises that it has received an application from McWilliam Nominees Pty. Ltd. The application seeks a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and interim and final orders in relation to the sale of approximately 100 million shares in Online Advantage on 3 June 2002. The shares were sold by previous directors or escrowed shareholders of Online Advantage and were sold in two special crossings by Shaw Stockbroking Ltd and Euroz Securities Ltd. The shares constitute approximately 46% of Online Advantage's issued shares.

Panel Publishes Reasons for Decision in the Matter of Vincorp Wineries Limited

The Takeovers Panel advises that it has today published the reasons for the Panel's decision to dismiss the application made by Vincorp Wineries Limited on 28 February 2001 in relation to the takeover offer made for Vincorp by Simon Gilbert Wines Limited.

On 26 March 2001, the Panel decided to dismiss the application following the announcement by Simon Gilbert Wines that a defeating condition of its bid would not be fulfilled and that all contracts and acceptances under the bid would therefore be void at the end of the offer period on 2 April 2001.

Review Panel Publishes Reasons for Decision in the Matter of Taipan Resources NL (No. 11)

The Takeovers Panel advises that it has today published the reasons for the Review Panel's decision to dismiss the application for the review of a number of decisions made by the sitting Panel in the matter of Taipan Resources NL (No. 10). That matter arose from an application brought by Troy Resources NL on 27 February 2001, which concerned a takeover bid by St Barbara Mines for all of the shares in Taipan Resources. The application for review was made by Troy on 30 March and 3 April 2001. Troy had also made a bid for Taipan.

Panel Publishes Reasons for its Decision in Relation to Application for Review by Majestic Resources

The Namakwa 4 Panel has today published its reasons for its decision to decline to commence proceedings to consider an application for review by Majestic Resources (Majestic) of the decision of the sitting Panel in Namakwa 3. The application concerned a valuation in Namakwa Diamond Company NL's (Namakwa) target's statement issued in response to the takeover bid announced by Majestic on 15 March 2001 for all of the shares in Namakwa.

Vincorp Wineries Ltd

On 20 March 2001, following our consideration of an application by Vincorp Wineries Limited under sections 657A, 657D and 657E of the Corporations Law by Vincorp Wineries Limited for a declaration and orders in relation to a takeover bid by Simon Gilbert Wines Limited for all of the ordinary shares in Vincorp Wineries Limited, Simon Gilbert Wines Limited gave undertakings to extend its bid and provide further information in the form of a supplementary bidder’s statement to the shareholders of Vincorp Wineries Limited.