Panel Publishes Reasons for Holding Over ALQ Proceedings

The Panel has today published its reasons for deciding to hold over its proceedings in relation to the application made by Liquorland on 12 July 2001, in relation to Liquorland's bid for Australian Liquor Group (ALQ). Liquorland's bid for ALQ closed on 29 June 2001, and the first payments of the bid consideration were due to be made to ALQ shareholders on 18 July 2001.

Panel Releases Final Guidance on Costs Orders

The Takeovers Panel advises that it has released a Guidance Note on the Panel's powers to make costs orders in Panel proceedings. The final version follows public consultation on a draft that the Panel released in January 2002.

The Director of the Panel, Nigel Morris, said that the Panel was pleased to have received support from the market for the underlying policy of the draft. The final Guidance Note takes into account six submissions on the draft, which were received from Australian law firms and from the ASIC. The text has been revised in some areas in response to feedback.

Panel Publishes Reasons for Decision in Ausdoc Group Limited

The Takeovers Panel advises that it has published the reasons for its decision in relation to the Ausdoc Group Limited proceedings.

The application for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and orders was made by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission on 14 June 2002. It was in relation to certain lock-up arrangements specified in a deed entered into between Ausdoc and ABN Amro Capital (Belgium) N. V. on 22 May 2002, including various exclusivity, break fee and cost contribution arrangements.

Panel Publishes Reasons for Decision in EPHS Limited

The Takeovers Panel advises that it has published the reasons for its decision in relation to the EPHS Limited proceedings.

EPHS Limited made the application in relation to bidder's statements for bids for two classes of shares in EPHS by Cabcover Limited through its representative Akram El-Fahkri. In its application, EPHS was seeking a declaration that certain statements and omissions in the bidder's statements gave rise to unacceptable circumstances, and for orders to prevent their dispatch without further amendment.