Anaconda Nickel Limited 11

The Panel was not required to make a decision or provide reasons in relation to the Anaconda 11 application for an interim order concerning MP Global's ability to free the Rights Offer of conditions if, at 8.30 p.m. on Thursday 13 February MP Global had not given notice to Anaconda and ASX of freeing the Rights Offer and Share Offer of conditions. It consented to the application being withdrawn following agreement being reached between Anaconda and MP Global as to the process by which MP Global must declare its offers free of any conditions.

Anaconda Nickel Limited 01

These are the Panel's reasons for consenting to the withdrawal of an application by MatlinPatterson Global Opportunities Partners LP for interim orders restraining Glencore from acquiring Anaconda Rights. The decision was based on undertakings given by MP Global and Glencore to the Panel that neither would acquire Anaconda Rights other than under a full offer for all of the Anaconda Rights.

Anaconda Nickel Limited 12

These are the Panel's Reasons for declining an application by MP Global under section 656A of the Corporations Act to vary a decision by ASIC to refuse to grant relief to MP Global to allow it to exercise all the Anaconda Rights it acquired under its Rights Offer, regardless of the number of Old Shares acquired under MP Global's Share Offer.

Anaconda Nickel Limited 16 & 17

These are our reasons for deciding to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Anaconda Nickel Limited following the acquisition of 41.5% of the New Shares in Anaconda by MP Global in circumstances where it was only entitled to acquire 35%. The Panel proposed orders requiring the Excess Shares to be sold by a stockbroker nominated by ASIC, but postponed making the orders pending the outcome of an application made by MP Global for a review of this decision.

Anaconda Nickel Limited 14

The Panel was not required to make a decision in relation to the Anaconda 14 application from MP Global for an interim order as to the process by which acceptances for MP Global's Rights Offer would be translated into subscription by MP Global for New Shares under the Anaconda Rights Issue. It consented to the application being withdrawn following agreement being reached between Anaconda and MP Global over the processes.

Anaconda Nickel Limited 06 & 07

These are the Review Panel's Reasons for: affirming the decision of the Anaconda 02-05 Panel to make an interim order requiring MP Global to advise the market of its intentions concerning the Independent Expert Condition in its Rights Offer and Share Offer; and requiring MP Global to make a similar announcement to the market concerning the ASIC Relief Condition in its Rights Offer and Share Offer.