BreakFree Limited 01 - Resolution of Proceedings Relating to Breakfree Limited

The Panel advises that the proceedings (the Proceedings) arising from the application (the Application) made by S8 Limited (S8) on 11 July 2003 in relation to the affairs of BreakFree Limited (BreakFree) have been resolved. The Proceedings were resolved following the termination by BreakFree on 12 August 2003 of certain agreements as contemplated by undertakings voluntarily provided by it to the Panel.

S.A. Liquor Distributors Ltd

These are our reasons for our decision to accept certain undertakings and to dismiss the application (the Application) dated 10 December 2002 by S.A. Liquor Distributors Ltd (SALD) for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances, and interim and final orders, in relation to a takeover bid for that company by Australian Liquor Marketers Pty Ltd (ALM).

S.A. Liquor Distributors - Panel Publishes Reasons in S.A. Liquor Distributors

The Panel advises that it has today published its reasons for its decision in the S.A. Liquor Distributors proceedings. The Panel accepted undertakings from Australian Liquor Marketers Pty Ltd (ALM) for further disclosure in its bidder's statement in relation to a takeover bid for S.A. Liquor Distributors Limited (SALD). On the basis of those undertakings the Panel decided to decline to make any declaration of unacceptable circumstances.

PowerTel Limited 03 - Panel Appointed for Third Application in Relation to Powertel

The Takeovers Panel advises that the President of the Panel has now appointed a Sitting Panel to consider the application received from the Roslyndale Syndicate (Roslyndale) seeking a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of PowerTel Limited (PowerTel). The application relates to the takeover bid announced by TVG Consolidation Holdings SPRL (TVG) for all of PowerTel's shares.

Trysoft Corporation Limited

These are the Panel's reasons for deciding to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Trysoft Corporation Limited as a result of breaches of sections 606 and 671B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) by the managing director of, and certain shareholders in, Trysoft. The Panel made orders that agreements giving rise to associations between the relevant parties be terminated with immediate effect, and that options granted to the managing director of Trysoft not be exercised until shareholder ratification of the issue of those options was obtained.

PowerTel Limited 03 - Panel Receives Third Application in Relation to PowerTel

The Takeovers Panel advises that yesterday it received an application from the Roslyndale Syndicate (Roslyndale) seeking a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of PowerTel Limited (PowerTel). The application relates to the takeover bid announced by TVG Consolidation Holdings SPRL (TVG ) for all of PowerTel's shares.

PowerTel Limited 02 - Panel Decides Second PowerTel Application

The Takeovers Panel advises that it today made its decision on the application made on 10 July by the Roslyndale Syndicate (Roslyndale), seeking a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and certain orders in relation to the takeover bid by TVG Consolidation Holdings SPRL (TVG) for all of the shares in PowerTel Limited (PowerTel). The application was dealt with as follows.