Anaconda Nickel Limited 13

These are the Panel's Reasons for consenting to an application by MP Global to vary the undertaking given to the Anaconda 08 Panel that MP Global would conduct its Rights Offer as far as practicable in accordance with the conditions of the original ASIC Relief granted to MP Global. The Panel consented to MP Global varying the undertaking to allow it to extend its Rights Offer until 2.00 p.m. Sydney time, the following day, Friday 14 February 2003.

Anaconda Nickel Limited 10

These are the Panel's Reasons for declining an application by Anaconda for an interim order bringing forward the time at which MP Global had to declare its offer to be unconditional, or to have failed, from 8.00 p.m. on Thursday 13 February, Sydney time, by two hours, to 6.00 p.m. on that day (all times are Sydney time).

Anaconda Nickel Limited 18

These are the Panel's reasons for declining the application by MP Global for a review of the decision by the Anaconda 16 - 17 Panel to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Anaconda following the acquisition of 41.5% of the New Shares in Anaconda by MP Global in circumstances where it was only entitled to acquire 35% of the New Shares. The Panel made orders requiring the Excess Shares to be sold by a stockbroker nominated by ASIC.

AMP Shopping Centre Trust 01 - Panel Publishes Reasons in AMP Shopping Centre Trust 01

The Panel advises that it has today published its reasons for its decision in the AMP Centro 01 proceedings, which it announced on 13 May 2003. The Panel's decision was to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of the AMP Shopping Centre Trust (ART). The Panel made orders preventing ART's interests in five major shopping centres being bought out solely because AMP Henderson Global Investors Ltd. (AMPH) is removed as responsible entity of ART following a successful takeover bid for ART.

Austar United Communications Limited

These are our reasons for declining to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in response to an application under section 657C of the Corporations Act by Pondale Properties Pty Limited (Application). The Application was for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in connection with the acquisition by CHAMP SPV Pty Limited and its related entities (CHAMP Group) of a relevant interest of approximately 81% in the share capital in Austar United Communications Limited (Austar).