Poseidon Nickel Limited - Panel Application Withdrawn

The Panel has consented to a request by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission to withdraw its application to the Panel dated 12 September 2018 in relation to the affairs of Poseidon Nickel Limited. The application concerned the potential control effects of the sub-underwriting arrangements for an entitlement offer announced by Poseidon (see TP18/66).

Following the announcement of the results of the entitlement offer by Poseidon, ASIC sought the Panel's consent to withdraw its application.

Tribune Resources Limited - Declaration of Unacceptable Circumstances

The Panel has made a declaration of unacceptable circumstances (Annexure A) in relation to an application dated 20 August 2018 by R Hedley Pty Ltd in relation to affairs of Tribune Resources Limited (see TP18/61).


Sierra Gold Ltd, Trans Global Capital Limited and Rand Mining Limited are the three largest shareholders of Tribune, holding 16.04%, 16.91% and 26.32% of Tribune shares respectively.

The Panel considered that:

Bullseye Mining Limited 02 - Undertaking

The Panel has accepted an undertaking from Bullseye Mining Limited in relation to the application dated 3 September 2018 by Hongkong Xinhe International Investment Company Limited (see TP18/64).

Bullseye has undertaken to withdraw resolutions 1 and 2 notified in Bullseye's notice of general meeting dated 20 August 2018 and that any resolutions in respect of the subject matter of those resolutions submitted to members will be the subject of a replacement notice of meeting.

A copy of the undertaking is attached.

Bullseye Mining Limited 02 - Panel Receives Application

The Panel has received an application from Hongkong Xinhe International Investment Company Limited in relation to the affairs of Bullseye Mining Limited.  Bullseye (an unlisted public company) is currently the subject of an off-market takeover bid by Opus Resources Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Red 5 Limited (ASX:RED).  The application relates to resolutions 1 and 2 in a notice of meeting issued by Bullseye to convene a general meeting to be held on 17 September 2018.  The applicant holds 21.74% of Bullseye's shares.

Tribune Resources Limited - Panel Makes Interim Orders

The Panel has made interim orders1 in response to an application for interim orders dated 20 August 2018 by R Hedley Pty Ltd in relation to the affairs of Tribune Resources Limited.

In order to maintain the status quo while it considers the application, the Panel has ordered that, in the absence of the consent of a member of the Panel, the persons referred to in the interim orders must not dispose of, transfer, charge or otherwise deal with their shares in Tribune.

Tikforce Limited


  1. The Panel, James Dickson, Paula Dwyer (sitting President) and Bruce McLennan, declined to conduct proceedings on an application by a group of shareholders in relation to the affairs of Tikforce Limited. The application concerned a notice of meeting containing a resolution approving the issue of shares and options of Tikforce in connection with the conversion of convertible notes.