Molopo Energy Limited 10 - Panel Makes Interim Order

The Panel has made an interim order1 in response to an application for an interim order dated 18 May 2018 by Aurora Funds Management Ltd in its capacity as responsible entity of the Aurora Fortitude Absolute Return Fund in relation to the affairs of Molopo Energy Limited.

The interim order restricts Molopo from making any payment or incurring any expenditure or liability of more than $175,000 or $175,000 in aggregate without the consent of one or more of the sitting Panel members.

Molopo Energy Limited 10 - Panel Receives Application

The Panel has received an application from Aurora Funds Management Ltd in its capacity as responsible entity of the Aurora Fortitude Absolute Return Fund (Aurora) in relation to the affairs of Molopo Energy Limited. Molopo is currently the subject of an off-market takeover bid by Aurora.

Details of the application, as submitted by the applicant, are below.

A sitting Panel has not been appointed at this stage and no decision has been made whether to conduct proceedings. The Panel makes no comment on the merits of the application.

Finders Resources Limited 02


  1. The Panel, Yasmin Allen, Stephanie Charles and Karen Evans-Cullen (sitting President), made a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Finders Resources Limited. Finders was subject to an off market takeover bid by Eastern Field Developments Limited.

Caravel Minerals Limited


  1. The Panel, Rodd Levy (sitting President), Denise McComish and Bruce McLennan, declined to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Caravel Minerals Limited. The application concerned allegations of association between shareholders of Caravel who had requisitioned a general meeting pursuant to s249D1 to replace directors of Caravel and between the requisitioning shareholders and other shareholders.

Caravel Minerals Limited 02R - Panel Declines to Conduct Proceedings

The Panel has declined to conduct proceedings on a review application dated 23 April 2018 from Caravel Minerals Limited in relation to its affairs. The application sought a review of the initial Panel's decision to decline to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Caravel Minerals Limited (see TP18/28).

The Panel considered that if it conducted proceedings it was unlikely to come to a different conclusion to the initial Panel.

Finders Resources Limited 03R - Panel Receives Review Application

The Panel has received an application from Taurus Funds Management Pty Limited seeking a review of the Panel's decision to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and final orders in Finders Resources Limited 02 (see TP18/30).

A review Panel has not been appointed at this stage and no decision has been made whether to conduct proceedings. The Panel makes no comment on the merits of the application.

Caravel Minerals Limited 02R - Panel Receives Review Application

The Panel has received an application from Caravel Minerals Limited seeking a review of the Panel's decision in relation to Caravel Minerals Limited (see TP18/28).

A review Panel has not been appointed at this stage and no decision has been made whether to conduct proceedings.  The Panel makes no comment on the merits of the application.

The President has consented to the review application being made.1