Application in Relation to Isis Communications

The Panel advises that it has received an application on behalf of the directors of Radly Corporation Limited (Receivers and Managers Appointed). The application seeks a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and interim orders in relation to an agreement entered into on 14 June 2002, between the receivers of Radly and both of Investec Australia Pty Ltd and MGB Equity Growth Pty Ltd. The agreement relates to the purchase of 19.9% of the issued capital of Isis Communications Ltd by MGB and Investec.

Takeovers Panel Decision in Relation to Ausdoc Group Ltd

The Panel advises that it has declined to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to a Deed of Undertaking entered into between Ausdoc Group Ltd and ABN AMRO Capital (Belgium) N. V. on 22 May 2002. The decision relates to an application brought by ASIC on 14 June 2002.

The Panel's decision follows undertakings to the Panel by ABN AMRO and Ausdoc waiving ABN AMRO's right to the break fee under the Deed that would be payable if ABN AMRO did not reach or waive its 90% minimum acceptance condition and there had been no rival bidder for Ausdoc.

Application in Relation to Ranger Minerals

The Panel advises that it has received an application from Ranger Minerals Limited for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to a letter and supplementary bidder's statement dispatched by Revesco Group Limited to Ranger shareholders on 17 June 2002.

Since April 2002, Ranger has been the subject of a takeover bid by Revesco. Subsequent to the announcement of the Revesco offer, Ranger entered into an agreement to merge with Perilya Limited by way of scheme of arrangement.

Panel Publishes Reasons For Decision In Normandy 06

The Panel advises that it has published its reasons for decision in relation to the Normandy 06 matter.

The application was made by AngloGold Ltd for review of the Normandy 04 Panel's decision. In its application AngloGold was seeking a declaration that the Plan of Arrangement between Newmont Mining and Franco-Nevada would have given Franco-Nevada and its shareholders benefits, which were not offered to all other Normandy shareholders.

Application in relation to E.P.H.S. Limited

The Panel advises that it has received an application from E.P.H.S. Limited (EPHS) for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to a takeover bid for EPHS by Cabcover Limited (Cabcover) for $2.25 per A class share and $2.00 per B class share.

EPHS alleges deficiencies in the disclosure in the bidder's statements lodged with ASIC on 29 May 2002 in respect of each of the classes of shares in EPHS.

The Panel is currently assembling a sitting Panel for the application.

Normandy Mining Limited 06

These are our reasons for our decision to refuse an application by AngloGold Limited under section 657EA of the Corporations Act 2001 for review of a decision in Normandy Mining Limited (No. 4) (Normandy (No. 4)) to refuse a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and orders in relation to the takeovers by Newmont Mining Corporation of Normandy Mining Limited ABN 86 009 295 765 (Normandy) and Franco-Nevada Mining Corporation Limited.

Application Concerning Ausdoc

The Panel advises that it has today received an application from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Ausdoc Group Limited (Ausdoc).

The application relates to a break fee and other lock-up provisions that Ausdoc announced on 22 May 2002, it had entered into with an unnamed potential bidder for Ausdoc.

ASIC's concerns relate to:

Reasons for Decision on Application by Focus Technologies

The Panel advises that it has published its reasons for declining an application from Focus Technologies Ltd under section 657C of the Corporations Act requesting a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to a parcel of 10 million options to subscribe for shares in Focus.

The Panel decided, on the facts and circumstances of this particular case, there was no urgent basis for intervention by the Panel. The relevant facts are that: