Rusina Mining NL - Variation of Interim Order

Further to the application made on 14 March 2006 by Rusina Mining NL (Rusina) (see TP06/26) and the interim orders made on 16 March 2006, the Panel advises that it has made a variation to the interim orders (see TP06/27) following an undertaking by New Frontier Investment Limited (New Frontier) to buy in an equivalent number of Rusina shares to replace shares which the Panel allowed to be used to settle the outstanding transactions.

Patrick Corporation Limited 02

These are the Panel’s reasons for declining to commence proceedings in relation to an application from Patrick which would have required Toll to withhold dispatch of its Seventh Supplementary Bidder’s Statement for two weeks from the date it gave it to Patrick, and to extend the closing date of its bid to a month after the date of dispatch of the Seventh Supplementary Bidder’s Statement. Toll offered the Panel an undertaking to extend the closing date of its offers to at least one month after the date of dispatch of its Seventh Supplementary Bidder’s Statement and to offer a withdrawal right to any Patrick shareholder who had accepted the Toll offer on or prior to the date Toll announced the Seventh Supplementary Bidder’s Statement.

Wattyl Limited - Panel Decision

The Panel advises that it has accepted undertakings from Wattyl Limited and Barloworld Limited in response to the application made by AEP Financial Investments Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Allco Equity Partners Ltd (see TP06/22). On the basis of the undertakings and the further disclosure, the Panel has declined the application by AEP.

Patrick Corporation Limited 02 - Panel Accepts Undertakings & Patrick Corporation Limited 03 - Panel Receives Application

The Takeovers Panel advises that it has accepted an undertaking from Toll Holdings Limited in relation to an application dated 22 March 2006 from Patrick Corporation Limited. Patrick had applied to the Panel concerning the variation by Toll on 22 March 2006 of its takeover offer for all of the shares in Patrick.

Coopers Brewery Limited 03

These are the Panel’s reasons for concluding proceedings without making a declaration of unacceptable circumstances or final orders. In part the Panel's decision was based on an undertaking by Coopers to give a corrective target's statement to its shareholders correcting a number of misleading statements in Coopers Target's Statement concerning, inter alia the value of Coopers shares.

Coopers Brewery Limited 04

These are the Panel’s reasons for not commencing proceedings following the application by Lion Nathan Limited and Lion Nathan Australia Pty Limited for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to disclosure in the Second Supplementary and Corrective Target’s Statement of Coopers Brewery Limited issued on 1December 2005 regarding Coopers new policy concerning withdrawal of transfer notices from the pre-emptive rights regime in the Coopers’ Constitution.