Regal Resources Limited - Panel Receives Application

The Panel has received an application from Mr Warwick Sauer in relation to the affairs of Regal Resources Limited.  The application concerns Regal’s recently completed entitlement offer.

Details of the application, as submitted by the applicant, are below.

A sitting Panel has not been appointed at this stage and no decision has been made whether to conduct proceedings. The Panel makes no comment on the merits of the application.

Freshtel Holdings Limited


  1. The Panel, Chelsey Drake, Christian Johnston (sitting President) and Jeremy Leibler, consented to a request by Dominet Digital Corporation Pty Ltd to withdraw its application in relation to the affairs of Freshtel Holdings Limited. The application concerned an entitlement offer announced by Freshtel during an on-market takeover bid by Dominet for all the shares of Freshtel. Freshtel and Dominet agreed to a resolution and the Panel was satisfied that it addressed the concerns raised in the application.

Freshtel Holdings Limited – Panel Publishes Reasons

The Panel today published the reasons for its decision to consent to a request by Dominet Digital Corporation Pty Ltd to withdraw its application to the Panel dated 24 August 2016 in relation to the affairs of Freshtel Holdings Limited.

Details of the Panel's decision can be found at TP16/64.

The Panel's reasons for its decisions are on the Panel's website.

The sitting Panel was Chelsey Drake, Christian Johnston (sitting President) and Jeremy Leibler.

Panel Publishes Consultation Paper Revised Guidance Note 12 on Frustrating Action

The Takeovers Panel today released a Consultation Paper seeking public comment in relation to a draft rewrite of Guidance Note 12 on Frustrating Action.

The draft rewrite seeks to provide clearer guidance about the Panel's approach to frustrating action, including the circumstances in which a frustrating action is unlikely to be unacceptable.

The Panel seeks comments from interested persons on the draft Guidance Note by 24 October 2016.  Comments should be emailed to

Panel Publishes Consultation Paper - Revised Guidance Note 4 on Remedies General

The Takeovers Panel today released a Consultation Paper seeking public comment in relation to a draft revised Guidance Note 4 on Remedies General.

The draft revises Guidance Note 4 to clarify that, while a party may offer an undertaking to resolve a matter at any point in the Panel’s process, the timing of the offer is a relevant factor when the Panel is exercising its discretion whether to accept an undertaking in lieu of a declaration or orders.

Freshtel Holdings Limited - Panel Receives Application

The Panel has received an application from Dominet Digital Corporation Pty Ltd in relation to the affairs of Freshtel Holdings Limited.  The application concerns an entitlement offer.

Details of the application, as submitted by the applicant, are below.

A sitting Panel has not been appointed at this stage and no decision has been made whether to conduct proceedings.  The Panel makes no comment on the merits of the application.

Sovereign Gold Company Limited 01R


  1. The Panel, Elizabeth Hallett, Rodd Levy (sitting President) and Sarah Rennie, declined to conduct proceedings on a review application by Mr Brennan Westworth to review the decision of the initial Panel in Sovereign Gold Company Limited 01.1 The review Panel considered that it was unlikely to reach a different conclusion to the initial Panel.

Sovereign Gold Company Limited 01R - Panel Publishes Reasons

The Panel today published the reasons for its decision on a review application dated 11 July 2016 from Brennan Westworth in relation to the affairs of Sovereign Gold Company Limited.

Details of the Panel's decision can be found at TP16/58.

The Panel's reasons for its decisions are on the Panel's website.

The sitting Panel was Elizabeth Hallett, Rodd Levy (sitting President) and Sarah Rennie.