Bowen Energy Limited

These are the Panel's reasons for declining to commence proceedings on an application to the Panel from Mr Frank Farrall on 21 September 2007 in relation to the affairs of Bowen Energy Limited , a listed company whose business is exploring for coal and uranium deposits.

Alinta Limited 01

These are the Panel's reasons for making a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and final orders in relation to the affairs of Alinta Limited and The Australian Gaslight Company. The declaration and orders related to the circumstances of Alinta and AGL each making a hostile, scrip takeover offer for the other, and the potential for acceptances and transfers of shares under the Competing Offers to contravene section 259C of the Corporations Act.

Alinta Limited 02

These are the Panel's reasons for declining the application by The Australian Gas Light Company to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and final orders, in relation to the affairs of The Australian Gaslight Company and Alinta Group Holdings Pty Ltd's takeover offer for The Australian Gas Light Company. The Panel decided not to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances or final orders having received undertakings from Alinta Limited and Alinta Group Holdings Pty Ltd to make additional disclosure to address concerns that the Panel had about some aspects of Alinta Group Holdings Pty Ltd's bidder's statement.