Virtus Health Limited 06R


  1. The review Panel, Rory Moriarty, John O’Sullivan (sitting President) and Karen Phin, declined to conduct proceedings on an application by Virtus Health Limited to review the decision of the initial Panel to decline to conduct proceedings in Virtus Health Limited 05.
  2. In these reasons, the following definitions apply.
    BGH Bid
    the takeover bid described in the BGH BS
    BGH Bidders
    Oceania Equity Investments Pty Ltd (ACN 655

Bullseye Mining Limited 05


  1. The Panel, Bruce McLennan, Kerry Morrow and Sharon Warburton (sitting President), decided not to conduct proceedings on an application by Au Xingao Investment Pty Ltd in relation to the affairs of Bullseye Mining Limited. The application concerned unregistered share transfers in Bullseye and disclosure by the target of information relating to Xingao’s bid conditions and other matters.

Nex Metals Explorations Ltd 05


  1. The Panel, Elizabeth Hallett (sitting President), Christian Johnston and Robert McKenzie, made a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Nex Metals Explorations Ltd. Nex Metals is the subject of an off-market scrip bid by Metalicity Ltd. The Panel considered (among other things) that Nex Metals’ replacement target’s statement in respect of Metalicity’s bid contained information deficiencies and did not disclose a sufficient basis upon which Nex Metals’ directors recommend that shareholders reject the bid.

Keybridge Capital Limited 04, 05 & 06 Variation


  1. The Panel, Chelsey Drake, Bruce McLennan and Sharon Warburton (sitting President), varied the final orders made by the sitting Panel in Keybridge Capital Limited 04, 05 & 06.1 Relevantly, those orders gave persons who accepted into WAM Active Limited’s off-market takeover bid for Keybridge Capital Limited2 and had their acceptances processed a perpetual withdrawal right.3 The vari

Wollongong Coal Limited 03


  1. The Panel, Teresa Dyson, Michelle Jablko (sitting President) and Michael Lishman, declined to conduct proceedings on an application in relation to the affairs of Wollongong Coal Limited. The application concerned the content of a revised independent expert’s report for compulsory acquisition under Chapter 6A1 commenced by Jindal Steel & Power (Mauritius) Limited.

Bullseye Mining Limited 04


  1. The Panel, Karen Evans‑Cullen (sitting President), Bruce McLennan and Sharon Warburton, made a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Bullseye Mining Limited. This application followed the orders made in Bullseye Mining Limited 031 and concerned whether there had been adequate disclosure in the supplementary bidder’s statement and supplementary target’s statement that the Panel had ordered.

Virtus Health Limited 02


  1. The Panel, Teresa Dyson, Richard Hunt (sitting President) and James Stewart, declined to conduct proceedings on an application concerning the exclusivity arrangements entered in relation to a non-binding, indicative proposal to acquire all the issued shares in Virtus by way of a scheme of arrangement in the context of a competing proposal.