Careers Australia Group Limited 02R – Panel Receives Review Application

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The Panel has received an application from shareholders of Careers Australia Group Limited1 seeking a review of the Panel's decision in Careers Australia Group Limited 02 (TP13/23). The acting President has consented to the making of the review application.

The Applicants seek similar interim orders to the initial application and also an order that Cirrus not declare its takeover unconditional until after the Review Panel makes its decision. The Applicants seek similar final orders to the initial application.

A review Panel has not been appointed at this stage and no decision has been made whether to conduct proceedings. The Panel makes no comment on the merits of the application.

Alan Shaw
Counsel, Takeovers Panel
Level 10, 63 Exhibition Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Ph: +61 3 9655 3535

1 The applicants are the shareholders who made the initial application: Jiggi Investments Pty Ltd ATF Graham and Company Executive Superannuation Fund, Wayburn Holdings Pty Ltd, Vernon and Jillaine Wills ATF the Wills Family Super Fund, Vernon Wills and Jillaine Wills, D & E Somerville ATF Sommerville Super Fund, Ganbros Pty Ltd, Jim and Lisa Elder ATF Elder Superannuation Fund, Orbit Capital Pty Ltd, Devine Superannuation Pty Ltd ATF Devine Executive Super Fund, Depofo Pty Ltd ATF Super account, Depofo Pty Ltd ATF Depofo TT account, Pinbrook Pty Ltd, Myall Resources Pty Ltd ATF Myall Unit A/C, Myall Resources Pty Ltd ATF Myall Super A/C, Onmell Pty Ltd ATF Brent Potts Super Fund A/C.