The Takeovers Panel has today launched its redesigned website. It is now live and located at the same address:
The completely redesigned user interface and layout improves the readability of the site. It is now easier to navigate and find material and resources including through direct links to related content and a newly added search feature. The new site has also been optimised for use on mobile devices.
Applications can now be uploaded through the new Online application form. As contemplated by the Panel’s Procedural Guidelines, this will now be the Panel’s preferred method for receiving applications.
The Resources page now includes the complete library of materials of the Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (CAMAC) (previously found on the CAMAC website).
Subscriptions to Takeovers Panel updates will continue uninterrupted. If you are not currently subscribed, please consider subscribing to receive Panel updates through the Subscribe link. There is also an option to receive updates by RSS.
Alex Cartel, Panel President, was pleased with the new website. “The online application form, the search feature and the improved interface is a huge improvement over the old website. The website contains a treasure trove of historical material on the takeovers provisions which I know are valued by the commercial legal community”, Mr Cartel said. “I would like to thank Tania, Katrina, Rebecca, Andre and the team for all their work in making this new website possible”.
The Panel is working on further improvements to the site including the automation of the index of decisions.
The Panel welcomes any suggestions on improvements or other comments on the new site. Feedback can be provided through the Feedback button available on each page.
The Panel would like to thank the Treasury digital delivery team and digital specialists Webplace for helping transform the Panel’s website.
Allan Bulman
Chief Executive, Takeovers Panel
Level 16, 530 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Ph: +61 3 9655 3500