Application by Taipan Resources in Relation to Troy Resources Announcement of Further Bid

The Takeovers Panel advises that today, it has received an application from Taipan Resources for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to Troy Resource's announcement of 13 December that it intends to allow its current, conditional bid for Taipan to lapse and to make another unconditional offer shortly.

Taipan is seeking a declaration of unacceptable circumstances, and both interim and final orders. The alternative orders that Taipan is seeking the Panel to make include:

Panel Declines Application by Troy on Issue of Taipan Shares

The Takeovers Panel advises that yesterday evening it declined an application from Troy Resources in relation to the issue of up to 25 million shares in Taipan Resources approved at the Taipan AGM on 30 November. Troy applied on 29 November.

Troy had sought an interim order restraining the issue of the shares, pending the decision of the Panel on Troy's application for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances. Troy asserted that the issue of shares, at this time, would, in the absence of other strong reasons, be for the purpose of impeding Troy's takeover.

Panel Affirms ASIC Refusal to Allow Troy to Waive Condition

The Takeovers Panel advises that it has today affirmed ASIC's decisions to refuse to allow Troy Resources to waive the defeating condition in its bid for Taipan. The Panel received an application from Troy on Friday 8 December, for a review of ASIC's decisions.

On 2 November and 5 December ASIC refused Troy's application to waive the pre-condition, then defeating condition, attached to Troy's bid that a merger between Taipan and St Barbara Mines not proceed. ASIC had previously required the condition to be non-waivable.

Application by Troy Resources in Relation to Issue of Taipan Resources Shares

The Takeovers Panel advises that it has today received an application from Troy Resources in relation to the issue of shares in Taipan Resources which was the subject of a resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting of Taipan today.

The application relates to a resolution (number 3 on the notice of meeting) that Taipan shareholders considered at today's meeting to approve a proposed issue of up to 25,000,000 shares in Taipan.

Pinnacle VRB Ltd 02

An application under sections 657A, 657D and 657E of the Corporations Law by Federation Group Limited for a declaration and orders in relation to a takeover bid by Federation for all of the ordinary shares in Pinnacle VRB Limited.

- Federation Group's Application