Village Roadshow Limited 03

These are the Panel’s reasons for concluding these proceedings without making a declaration of unacceptable circumstances or any orders, following acceptance by the Panel of an undertaking from Village Roadshow Limited which the Panel considered satisfactorily resolved the issues before it in the application.

Crescent Gold Limited

These are the Panel’s reasons for declining to commence proceedings in relation to an application by Crescent Gold Limited regarding its affairs. On 2 November 2004, the Panel issued a media release substantially to the following effect concerning the application.

Crescent Gold Limited - Panel Publishes Reasons

The Takeovers Panel has today published the reasons for its decision not to commence proceedings in relation to an application dated 26 October 2004 by Crescent Gold Limited regarding its affairs.

Details of the Panel’s decision were announced on 2 November 2004 in Panel media release TP04/104, available on the Panel’s website at: Media Releases.

The sitting Panel was Kathleen Farrell, Michael Ashforth and Celia Searle.