Rinker Group Limited 01

These are the Panel’s reasons for declining to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances on an application by Rinker Group Limited dated 6 November 2006 in relation to the off-market takeover bid by CEMEX Australia Pty Ltd. The Panel decided not to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances having received supplementary disclosure by CEMEX which addressed its concerns in relation to the mechanism for conversion of US dollars provided as consideration under the bid into Australian dollars, and associated risks.

Queensland Gas Company Limited - Panel Decision

The Takeovers Panel (Panel) advises that it has considered the application (Application) from Santos CSG Pty Ltd (Santos) in relation to its off-market takeover offer for Queensland Gas Company Limited (QGC and Offer). Having regard to the further disclosures agreed to be provided by QGC in a second supplementary target's statement, the recent announcements by QGC about the proposed transaction with AGL Energy Ltd (AGL Proposal) and the proposed transaction with Sentient Gas (Sentient Proposal) (collectively the Proposals) the further information to be provided in the notice of meeting and explanatory memorandum for those Proposals and submissions from QGC and Santos, the Panel has decided not to make a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the Application.

Tower Software Engineering Pty Ltd 02

These are the Panel’s reasons for its decision to consent to Tower Software Engineering Pty Ltd withdrawing its application to the Panel dated 1 August 2006. The application was for a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of Tower, in particular concerning disclosure, or non-disclosure, of certain information during a takeover offer for all of the shares in Tower by Pendant Software Pty Ltd. It was made under section 657A1 and associated interim and final orders respectively under sections 657E and 657D.

Australian Pipeline Trust 01 - Panel Publishes Reasons

The Takeovers Panel (Panel) has today published the reasons for its decision in relation to an application dated 21 August 2006 from Australian Pipeline Limited (in its capacity as responsible entity of Australian Pipeline Trust) and Australian Pipeline Trust in relation to the acquisitions of 10.25% of the units in Australian Pipeline Trust by Alinta Limited on and from 16 to 22 August 2006 (see TP06/74).