CMI Limited 01R

The Panel, David Bennett AC QC, Catherine Brenner and Kathleen Farrell (sitting President), declined to conduct proceedings on an application by Tinkerbell Enterprises Pty Ltd and Leanne Catelan to review the decision of the initial Panel in CMI Limited 01.

Alinta Energy Limited and Alinta Energy Trust – Panel Application Withdrawn

The Takeovers Panel advises that it has consented to the request of Alinta Energy Limited and Alinta Energy Services Limited as responsible entity for Alinta Energy Trust (Applicants) to withdraw an application to the Panel dated 7 March 2011.  The application related to the affairs of Alinta Energy Limited and Alinta Energy Trust (Alinta Energy).

CMI Limited

The Panel, Peter Day, John Keeves (sitting President) and Andrew Sisson, made a declaration of unacceptable circumstances in relation to the affairs of CMI Limited.