Regal Resources Limited – Undertaking

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The President has accepted an undertaking from Ndovu Capital VI B.V. in relation to the application dated 22 September 2016 by Mr Warwick Sauer (see TP16/68). 

Ndovu has undertaken in effect not to dispose of, transfer, charge or otherwise deal with the shortfall shares issued to it as underwriter of Regal Resources Limited's recently completed entitlement offer.

A copy of the undertaking is attached.

Alan Shaw
Counsel, Takeovers Panel
Level 10, 63 Exhibition Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Ph: +61 3 9655 3535

Australian Securities and
Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth) Section 201A

Regal Resources Limited

Ndovu Capital VI B.V. (Ndovu) undertakes to the Panel that it and each of its associates will not dispose of, transfer, charge or otherwise deal with 244,051,820 shares of Regal Resources Limited (Regal), being the number of shares issued to Ndovu in connection with the underwriting agreement between Regal and Ndovu entered as part of Regal's entitlement offer announced on 4 July 2016.

Ndovu agrees to confirm in writing to the Panel when it has satisfied its obligations under this undertaking.

Signed by M.J. Vroom and H.L Jewitt of Augentius (Netherlands) B.V.
With the authority, and on behalf, of
with authority of Vickki McFadden
Ndovu Capital VI B.V.
Dated: 22 September 2016