Gulf Alumina Limited - Variation of Orders

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The Panel made a declaration of unacceptable circumstances and final orders on 11 March 2016 in relation to an application dated 15 February 2016 from Metro Mining Limited in relation to the affairs of Gulf Alumina Limited (see TP16/08 and TP16/15). Order 3 of the final orders required Gulf to provide corrective disclosure within 6 business days of the date of the final orders.

On 21 March 2016, Gulf applied to the Panel to vary order 3 of its orders by changing ‘6 business days’ to ‘8 business days’. Gulf required additional time for its directors to approve the final disclosure.

The Panel decided to vary its orders (see Annexure A).

The sitting Panel was Richard Hunt (Sitting President), Andrew Lumsden and Karen Phin.

Alan Shaw
Counsel, Takeovers Panel
Level 10, 63 Exhibition Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Ph:      +61 3 9655 3535

Annexure A

Corporations Act
Section 657D(3)
Variation of orders

Gulf Alumina Limited

Pursuant to section 657D(3) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)

The Panel Orders

The final orders made on 11 March 2016 are varied by deleting ‘6 business days’ and substituting ‘8 business days’ in order 3.

Alan Shaw
with authority of Richard Hunt
President of the sitting Panel
Dated 21 March 2016